Saturday, November 04, 2006
Halloween + Scrapbooking. They both ROCK.
Yes, I know Halloween is over, but I still wanted to share this adorable pic of the kidlets with you! We had a great time on Halloween night, the triplets had a "preschooler" Halloween party with some friends and classmates from their preschool. So there were about 12 kids in the house that night, eating pizza & mac 'n cheese, and lots of other ORANGE food... and playing silly games and laughing and tearing my house up! It was great! Plus I got to catch up with my good friends Monica & Melissa while our little ones hung out. Good fun.
I'm totally stoked about my all-day crop today. I'm gonna head out there at about noon and scrapbook my brains out! Probably until at least 9pm or so... We'll see if I can hang in there and stay till 11pm like the rest of the "die-hards". If you aren't busy, come hang out at Inspire Me...
Have a great day!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
2. Made bank deposit.
3. Picked up the kidlets from preschool on time.
4. Baked banana muffins while the little ones napped.
5. Watched General Hospital uninterrupted, WOW.
6. Here for the garage-door-repair guy. All fixed.
7. Dropped off payment for water bill.
8. A couple of loads of laundry, done.
Now, this is just the main stuff, not including all the little things. Wouldn't you say that this is enough for one day? Do think I could convince my husband that I shouldn't have to cook dinner too? Sounds like a great night for pizza!
I think I'll print out this list and put it on the fridge, just in case there are any objections.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
...and now... a Hallowween Meme
1. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
The Exorcist
I STILL cannot watch this movie without getting totally freaked out and covering my eyes!
2. What's your favorite Halloween costume from childhood?
Raggedy Ann
Man, I was little when I wore this costume. I can't remember wearing it, only seeing pictures of myself in it. So stinkin' cute!
3. If you had an unlimited budget, what would your dream costume be for this Halloween?
the White Witch from Narnia.
Love those white dreds.
4. When is the last time you went trick-or-treating?
Sometime in the early 80s...
Yeah, it's been awhile.
5. What's your favorite Halloween candy?
Milk Duds
But this is my favorite candy, all of the time. Not just at Halloween. But I also love caramel apples and make them every year for Halloween!
6. Tell a scary nightmare you had.
Man, don't make me talk about my nightmares...
Or else I'll have another one tonight.
7. What's your supernatural fear?
That "Bloody Mary" is real.
So don't ever try to make me look in the mirror in the dark. I'll never do it.
8. What is your creepy-crawly fear?
Big huge fat spiders all over me.
I just hate spiders!
9. Tell about a time you saw a ghost or something went bump in the night.
I have never seen a ghost or head any crazy ish at night. Thank goodness or I'd be damaged for life.
10. Would you ever stay in a haunted house overnight?
Hell no, never.
I'm the biggest effen scaredy-cat that you could ever know.
11. Are you a traditionalist (just a face) Jack O'Lantern Carver, or do you get really creative with your pumpkins?
I do BOTH.
I love carving pumpkins and usually carve & decorate at least five or six!
12. How much do you decorate your home for Halloween?
I love to decorate as much as I can for Halloween (or as much as I can afford to). Despite the scary aspect of it, Halloween is my favorite holiday, along with Thanksgiving.
13. What would you have printed on your Tombstone?
"She who loved Halloween but was afraid of the Dark"
(sheez, I don't know... just put my freakin' name on there so my kids can find me!)
Monday, September 18, 2006
a Meme day.
How do you take your coffee/tea? Usually, straight from Starbucks. But at home, with cream and one packet of Splenda.
How do you like your eggs? Over easy.
Favorite breakfast foods: Waffles. Breakfast foods are the best!
Coke or Pepsi? Hands-down, Pepsi. But make mine DIET.
You're feeling lazy. What do you make? Eggs.
You're feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Mushroom-Black Olive-Fresh Tomato
You feel like cooking. What do you make? Enchiladas. Yum.
Do any foods bring back good memories? Homemade tortillas always make me think of mom; but I don't know how to make them.
Do any foods bring back bad memories? nope
Do any foods remind you of someone? I don't think so.
Is there a food you refuse to eat? No, I can't remember REFUSING anything in a long time. I guess it would have to be something especially gross.
What was your favorite food as a child? Pizza.
Is there a food you hated as a child but now love? Green Vegetables!
Is there a food you loved as a child but now hate? Nah...
Favorite junk food: Ice Cream
Favorite dessert: Ice Cream
The perfect nightcap? Ice Cream
Do you have any weird food habits? No, pretty boring, huh?
Have a wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
National Underwear Day
I think this is the funniest thing I've seen this week. Still, I love the concept!
Look at this blurb from the official website:
"Our message at Freshpair is the belief that underwear deserves a lot more recognition than it gets."
How cute is THAT?
So take some time today to think about your underwear. I'm thinking of bopping right over to Victoria's Secret tomorrow morning and stocking up on the cute 5 for $25 undies!
Enjoy National Underwear Day!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
10 Foods You Should Never Eat
I got this in the mail yesterday. On the front of the envelope was the title, "10 Foods You Should Never Eat". Are you kidding me? Well, okay... whatever about the Campbells Soup. Yucky. But, the Haagen-Dazs? The Starbucks? What is the world coming to? I will definitely NOT be ordering the magazine/book that gives me more information on this topic. I say that ignorance is BLISS.
I'm heading out the door to get some ice cream for myself and for the kids. And you better believe it's going to be Haagen-Dazs vanilla. No doubt about that.Stay cool!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
It's okay...
- I no longer have a salary-earning job.
- I cut out a million recipes from different magazines, but have only tried maybe one-fourth of them.
- I love to drink coffee any time of day.
- I spend at least one hour on my computer daily.
- I sometimes like to eat breakfast food for dinner.
- I drive a big ol' SUV and spend too much on gas. {Hey, I've got 5 children now!}
- I haven't finished earning the degree I want, yet...
- My siblings say that scrapbooking is such a "MOM" thing to do... WHATEVAH!
- I enjoy watching the same shows that my teenage girls watch.
- My collection of shoes is pretty much limited to flip-flops in every design possible.
- I used all of my 401k savings to buy the house I'm living in now.
- I don't look like a supermodel.
- I don't have a son; honestly, I've never wanted to have a little boy {don't hate me!}
- I usually dream of food... most often, cupcakes.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
5 things...
- anything chocolate
- a clean house
- extra money in the checking account
- a shopping day
- an awesome morning cup of coffee to start the day out right!
What things put you in a good mood?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
those {everyday} luxuries
What everyday luxuries could I *NOT* live without.
Really made me think. What could I not live without? I could probably live without any or all these on my list, but I'd definitely rather not live without any of them. Jeez. How spoiled are people nowadays? Pretty spoiled, and pampered, I suppose. I mean, our ancestors from way, way back didn't have a choice to have or have not. They just dealt with whatever came their way.
We are so lucky to live in 2006. Because I would hate life without:
- My computer + the internet. Man, could you imagine? No email, no online shopping, no message boards, no blogs. First thing in the morning, I turn the pc on and hop on the internet with a cuppa joe and the Today Show (more on that) playing in the background. My homepage is the Weather Channel, so that I know what weather to expect and I can plan out my day. Then it's off to check my email, upload my most recent digital pics, surf for any great sales at Pottery Barn, Urban Outfitters, Old Navy, etc.; and of course, get some inspiration for my current scrapbooking pages wherever I can find it.
- My cell phone. Remember the days when we'd have to pull over into a gas station or shopping center to use a pay-phone to call home? And you could just forget it if you didn't have change for the call. Totally SUCKED. Life with a cell phone sure is a heckuva lot easier, I say.
- My iPod. No more shuffling around with CDs or radio stations, I get to listen to only the music I love. And no stinkin' commercials. YES.
- Air conditioning. I would not survive life in Southern California without my A/C. My family, my dog and I would ROAST. Especially on a day like yesterday when the temp reached 105 degrees. Serious heat, there.
- Satellite TV + tivo. I gots to have my DIY, Food Network, HGTV, E!, my morning crew on the Today Show, and of course, my daily soap- General Hospital.
I'm sure there are lots of great things out there, but these so TOTALLY rock for me. I'm glad I don't have to do without. Imagining it is bad enough.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
world traveler
My oldest daughter, Julia, is coming home from her trip to Rome today. Tonight, I should say. Her flight will be rolling in to LAX just a few minutes shy of midnight. I wonder if she'll be the same as when she left... Will she have a new appreciation for the great big world we live in? Will this be the beginning of a life-long love for international travel? Will she choose to do a portion of her college studies abroad? Will she be more mature? Will she be changed by going to a region so rich in history?
I really want her to make a scrapbook about her trip when she gets home... I hope she'll be willing to do it. {Let's hope she took a gazillion pictures, like I asked her to.} I so want to take in all she has seen, touched, smelled, eaten, etc while in Italy. I know I'll go there on my own someday, but until then, I'll live the experience through her.
Can't wait to see her tonight. Seems like she's been gone for so long.
Monday, July 10, 2006
it's all in a hard day's work...
Would you call being a stay-at-home mom to 3-year-old triplets and to a pair of teenagers REAL WORK? The equivalent of an "acutal" job? ... shoot ... I would. And I do. My husband and I talked a little bit about this about a week ago. And at the end of the conversation, I made it pretty clear to him that I didn't consider my job (SAHM) any less strenuous than his (Military). Not by a long shot. Honestly, it takes so much out of me, that if I have things to do (bills to pay, errands to run, chores to do) it all has to be done in the early part of the day. Because once evening hits, I'm pretty much SPENT. Seriously. Not too long ago I was such a night person. Nowadays, I can barely hang on long enough to watch the 11:00 news. Not much Dave Letterman for me these days. Bummer.
That being said, the one thing that is my greatest pleasure after the work of the day is done, after kids have gone to bed, is catching up on my current read. Right now, it's "Blue Smoke" by Nora Roberts. I've never read one of her books before, but I'm really liking her style. I'm all caught up with my Book Club reads, so I picked up this little paperback while I was visiting my mom just a week or so ago. Mom hadn't read it yet, so I sorta swiped it from her since I didn't have anything of my own to read. Great book.
I'd love to hear if you have any good reads of your own to share. I've read a bunch of books in the last few years, but I'd love to read more. Nothnig beats ending the day with a juicy book, sometimes paired with a lovely glass of wine, too!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
.mea culpa.
This morning I spent some time on . Lots of "good things" to look at there. I printed out a few projects I'd like to try during the summer, mostly home decorating ideas. If I'm successful at any of them, I'll post a pic or two here. We'll see...
My oldest daughter is in Rome as I type away... She's in an amazing place right now, taking in such beautiful scenery, learning about the history of civilization, religion, culture, etc. It's funny how the USA just celebrated its 230th birthday, while Rome has been around for ages. Wow. It's amazing just thinking about it. I hate to admit it, but I really am envious of her being there. It's the one place I have to visit before I die, and at 18 years old, she's already there. :: sigh :: That's okay, I feel she is truly blessed for this opportunity. And someday it will be me. Meanwhile, I cook in this 100+ degree weather in the Inland Southern California area. Jeez. Wish I were anywhere else, actually.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
i'm such a non-blogger these days!
Here's a quick run-down on the latest...
- My oldest daughter will be 18 years old on Saturday. MAN. That's all I have to say about that... well, except that we're planning a kewl party for her on Saturday night. Details and pics to come soon.
- I've been ROCKING on my scrapbooking lately! I've been doing so good. I'm working on a project right now that I can't really share yet, but I'll be sure to post some images once I'm able to share...
- If you have children, I just want to share this with you... Their Senior year of high school will be more EXPENSIVE than you think it will be!!! Save your money now!
- I'm really trying to be bathing-suit-ready for the summer... working on it now, staying commited so cheer me on!
- I've really cut down on the caffeine in the last month, and I see no real health benefits so I'm considering going back to my daily 2 cups of joe in the morning and my Diet Pepsi in the evening...
That's all for now! I'll be back soon!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Has it been ONE MONTH?
but in a nutshell, here's what's happened in the last month:
- Most importantly, my husband is back. And it's great to have him home. Our family was more incomplete than I had realized without him. Our home-life feels so BALANCED. And I'm much happier and less stressed out.
- Tax refund came, and WENT. It's amazing how fast money goes... Man!
- My sister got MARRIED. It was a very nice wedding and we had a great time in Vegas. We hope for all the best for her, and her new husband.
- I'm starting a job-search for a part-time weekend job, something to supplement our household income and to get me out of the house... Any ideas?
And that's about it, other than the usual day to day. Tonight I'm planning to hunker-down and get busy with a "Senior Year" scrapbook I'm working on for my daughter. I'm sooo behind...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
my favorite holiday of the year.
yes friends, it is my favorite holiday of the year. but i have no hubby (at least on this continent) to share this romantic holiday with...
::: sigh :::
did i mention that my husband is a mere 5 days away from returning home from his 7-month deployment?
::: sigh :::
yep, it looks like valentine's day will be extending into next week for us. might as well make it valentine's month!
on a good note, the girls (my daughters) and i have some plans for raspberry s'mores after a nice dinner at home. i can't wait!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Man... If I could have a home that always looks just like the pages of my favorite magazine, Real Simple. It would be heaven.
Oh yeah, back to my de-cluttering project. I've started to list things on eBay, to find new homes for items that I don't use anymore. Much more to follow, hopefully. Link below.
My Items
Wish me lots of luck and lots of bids!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Like I mentioned in my last post, I've got my resolutions for 2006. And boy, do I have plenty of them! I don't know if this is a good thing (I've got plenty of opportunities for change) or a bad thing (I'm setting my goals too high). Regardless of the outcome, I'm keeping them all on the list for now. We'll see on December 31st if they actually happened. But that's truly what I'm hoping for.
I've broken them down into the different areas of my life, categorized them if you will:
Friday, January 27, 2006
I'm a BAD, BAD blogger...
So, with the new year came new resolutions from me. I will list them tomorrow though, I'm on limited computer time right now. The triplets are watching Dora the Explorer, so I've got exactly 20 minutes to get this blog entry written and published. Just curious... what are your resolutions? (Maybe I'll steal one or two from you!)
My sweet friend Christie sent me this list of "Five Simple Rules". I was happily greeted by this great message in my in-box this morning. Here it is:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
I think this is great advice. This one may be print-worthy, and I may even hang it next to my workstation so that I can see this every single day. Even though I try to apply these things to my daily life, it would be nice to have a reminder to look at from time to time...
Be happy today!