Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good-night Miss Moto...

Miss Moto was a good friend. She was with me for over 2 years and she did her job well as my trusted cell phone. It was hard for me to believe that she was coming to the end of her time here on earth. But once the screen went blank and I couldn't see my address book or caller id window, I knew it was imminent. It was just a matter of time.

Here she is at her final memorial today:

miss moto
Notice the signs of her illness on her CID window? :::sigh:::

And here she is in open position... {{ blank screen, sniff }}

miss moto2

She is such a goner. I was bummed so bad...

But alas, a FedEx package arrived at my door today...

... hmmmmm ...


miss sami
Heeeelllllo, Miss Sami!

I'm hoping that this relationship will be as long and trusted as with Miss Moto.

What a beauty!

(now I'm off to fill up my address book!)


Clare said...

That's a nice new cell phone you have there :). Great entry.

Hi my name is Marjorie said...

Love this entry...poor Miss Moto but Hello! Ms. Sami. Have fun with your new phone!

chksngr said...

So...when I saw you...did you have Miss Moto or Miss Sami?????hmmmmmm....