Wednesday, November 16, 2005

christine needs...

So I was visiting Colleen's blog today (she's one of my regular stops), and she posed this question:

"So, what's up with your name? What needs do you have according to Google?"

Let me explain. There's this new thing going on in "Blogland" where people are typing in "{your name} needs" in the search box and writing down the first 10 things that come up in the search results. So I typed in, "Christine needs" into my Google toolbar and this is what Google claims that I am currently in need of:

1. Christine needs help.
Um, yeah. Tell me something we all didn't know already.

2. Christine needs your active support.

3. Christine needs to have an attorney.

4. Christine needs a new fashion template.
Well! I admit it has been forever since I've been shopping for myself, but...
Is it really that bad?

5. Christine needs to go.
Am I in trouble?

6. Christine needs to see her doctors.
It appears I am sick.

7. Christine needs some lovin'.
That's for sure... my husband has been gone for FOUR LONG MONTHS. :: sigh ::

8. Christine needs you to vote.
Too late, sister. Election day has passed.

9. Christine needs to get some rest.
That's for sure. Two teenagers and the triplets, a house, a dog and numerous other commitments... I'm pooped!

10. Christine needs to get a life.
What the...
Is someone spying on me?

That was fun blog entry for today. But all these needs have given me some food-for-thought for today...

By the way,
what do you need?


Colleen said...

LOL! I love how you did yours! with the little!

Anonymous said...

haha. i typed in 'christine needs'into google cause i heard about it from my friend and i got your website! thought it was funny.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I typed in "Christine needs" and I got your blog, too! That's funny..

Anonymous said...

lol me too though apparently my needs are entirely different, including a miscarriage, to cough or sneeze and die and constant attention! lol! Im gonna go with the constant attention one!


Anonymous said...

Another Christine. Apparently I needed to come to your page! :D I also needed only to cough and sneeze to induce a brain hemorrhage, and to know where my inventory is at all times!

Anonymous said...

My name is also Christine and I tried the "Christine needs" thing on Google because I heard about it on myspace... anyways your blog was the second need on the google list #1 was to cough or sneeze to induce a brain hemorrhage

Anonymous said...

Christine #5 said christine needs her own reality show then I went to google and got all the same stuff you did. this whole thing is to funny

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny, my name is also Christine and I did the whole "Christine needs...." and as it turns out, I apparntly need your blog! That is rather interesting!

Anonymous said...

I did the Christine needs thing and it lead me to your blog and then oddly enough it said something about Colleen at the top of the page which happens to me my middle name!!! WEIRD! Anyway I just thought I would share that!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!! I also typed in "Christine needs" on google and this what the first thing that came up. LoL.. Stupid myspace..

Christine said...

Ha ha! You are getting quite the collection of Christine's who apparently need much of the same things. This is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I would tell you that I was doing the same thing and that my name is Christine but I'm sure your sick of hearing it by now.

Anonymous said...

Yet another Christine.. Guess my need was to check out your blog!

Anonymous said...

Christine must be a popular name, i did the same and got your site as #1

Chris C said...

I like your blog. I apparently need lots of attention, and to change my freakin' picture!!

Anonymous said...

Another Christine.... facebook note sent me looking....Thanks for a laugh!

Chris said...

Aaaaand me too.
There are more Christines than I thought.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Christine! Very nice page you have! Thx for the smile, Bless!

Anonymous said...

Another Christine who fell into the "X needs" Google pit. Don't we enjoy a beautiful name? The New York Times, in the late 90s, wrote that Christine was the 10th most popular name in the US in 1979. BTW, I am an avid scrapbooker and I noticed your pretty page and the creative blog sponsor and very much enjoyed what I got when I clicked on it. Best wishes, Christine-Bean.

Christine Marie said...

Wow there are a lot of Christine's out there. I thought I was like 1 out 5 (exaggeration). haha FUN