Saturday, September 11, 2010

still learning something new everyday.

Yes, I'm still working on my project, "Learn Something New Everyday" on Shimelle's website.  I'll share more on the project later.  For now I want to share a little hardcover book I made on Shutterfly a few weeks ago.  My family loves this book!

What do you think?

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

learn something new everyday.

I'm beginning another exciting class with Shimelle. I can't say enough about her online classes, they are my absolute favorites. She's such a clever girl and has challenged me to do the neatest little projects.  The thing about Shimelle's classes/projects is that I believe they all bring something valuable and insightful to my my life!

Today's the first day of "Learn Something New Everyday"... I'm busy creating the crafty part of the project while I have the day off from work. At the end of each day in September 2010, I'll document something "new" I've learned at some point during that day. Seriously can't wait to see this project when it's complete.