Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day.

Barack Obama has just stepped out to the "stage", introduced as the "President Elect," probably for the last time. He's greeting people, shaking hands as he moves along down the walkway toward his seat for the Inauguration ceremony. People in the crowd are cheering his name... "O-ba-ma!" Within the next hour, history will change for the United States.

I'm sitting here in my family room, watching the Inauguration Day news coverage on NBC... It's about 10 minutes till 9:00 am PST. I'm drinking my Starbucks Non-Fat No-Whip Peppermint Mocha and thought maybe I should blog this moment for myself while it's actually happening. I'm quite sure that such a monumental event will not happen again in my lifetime.

I may not have voted for this man (not so easy to admit, but true...), but I now believe he is most qualified for the job of President of the United States. I wish nothing but the best for him and will pray for him often. Lots of people have such high expectations for him. I only ask that he makes decisions with the best interest of the nation at heart. And I look forward to freshness his leadership brings to the United States. High hopes, not unrealistic expectations, I would like to think.

He's about to be sworn in. I'm going to stop for now so that I may fully experience the moment. The pomp and circumstance is really quite fun to watch.

I've got a fun idea for how my family and I will celebrate this day. More on that later today.


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Project *365* -- Week 1

So, I've begun documenting 2009 with Project 365... a concept put together by Becky Higgins. I wasn't able to order the Project 365 Kit when it went on sale January 1st (it sold out), but hopefully I'll be able to buy one when they figure out how to get more of them!

For now, I'm just making sure that I keep up with my picture taking and journaling... That way, I'll be all set to put it together when I actually get the product. Here's a look at my first week, which started on Sunday, December 28th.

Day 1

*Funny... I didn't take a picture this first day, of all days! But I've been sick and Sunday was the WORST day of all!*


It was a lazy day today... Dinner in the Crock-Pot all day, me trying to get over this wretched cough & cold that's been giving me such a hard time for over two weeks! And to top it off, I'm all swollen! Must be some type of allergic reaction to something I ate today! The kids are out riding on their new rollerblades... and we're all settling back in to the NORMAL after the excitement of the holidays.

Day 2


The triplets are sporting their new Vans today... a gift from their big sister, Julia. They picked out the colors they liked best: Malia, light blue; Kaia, indigo blue; Marisa, purple. Adorable {times} 3 !

Day 3


My new Uggs arrived from Zappos.com in the mail today! Love Zappos customer service, by the way; they upgraded my standard shipping to OVERNIGHT just to be nice... I LOVE these boots... They feel like a warm blanket!

Day 4


We spent a quiet night at home for New Year's Eve. Usually we have our family from Las Vegas over... but we were all too sick this time around. It was so chill... and the kids were asleep by 9:30pm! Not so exciting, but a nice change!

Day 5


For New Year's Day, we had visitors. Our good friends, Jason & Melissa Adams and their sons Jacob and Jared came over to exchange Christmas gifts. We had lunch together and watched a couple of movies on TV. A very good day with friends!

Day 6


The triplets had a ball putting together new puzzles today! Of course, they had some help from Mom & Dad... but they did some of it on their own too! Love to see their little minds working to figure out how to put the pieces together...

Day 7


Today was one of those "Macaroni & Cheese for dinner" days. I'm still a bit under the weather and just didn't have the energy to cook a full meal. On a side note: the kids really like this new Mac 'n Cheese... they used to only love that OTHER blue box, but they love this one even more! Yay for me, cuz it's about half the price!

I'll check in again after documenting next week!